Ken MacLeod and Sam Ruby will be speaking at this conference in San Diego, CA, Feb 9-12 2004.
!Echo Wiki - Lessons Learned.
The launch of an effort to define a new set of standards for syndication, posting, and archiving of blogs was birthed on a wiki: This was initially hailed, then decried, and defended. Ultimately this lead to statements like wiki being used as a bad BBS... paving the way for the inevitable continued justification of the Wiki-Way™ in the case that Atom were to fail.
This is an interactive presentation on the reasons why a wiki was initially chosen for this particular effort, explore what worked, what didn't work as well, and what was learned by this effort.
Blogs, mailing lists, and face to face meetings will also be discussed as complimentary adjucts to the wiki.
There's plenty more of interest around the Atom space, for example Russell Beattie is talking about web services on mobiles and Dan Brickley has a session on FOAF and its social implications.
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